Friday, February 6, 2009


*Disclaimer*: there will be typos, I just got bored and did not feel like reading this over.

What is the largest instrument in the oboe fam you ask?
I'll tell ya, its the contrabassoon!

Wheres the best place to find pokey sticks?
Obvi, a billiard salloon!

And what's that? you want to know the hip hoppinest locay this side of the atlantic?
Most definately its SASKATOOOOOOOOOON!!

A not very, but slightly credible online dictionary defines Saskatoon as the following:

"a city in central Saskatchewan; the largest city in the province
edible purple or red berries"

Ok, so being the hot pocket that I am, I am going to tell you all the top TEN reasons to visit this booming central canadian metropolis.

10. Sweet Peeps (and not only at easter)

Its the hometown of David Sutcliffe (Rory's dad), Yann Martel (Life of Pi author),Kaare Andrews (comic book illustrator...hopefully his name is pronounced the care bear way)Joni Mitchell and a lot of hockey players. yeah its happenin. and I almost forgot, they have like LOADS of 1st nations (beating Win and rejayjay). No 2nd nations cause sask is too classy for that.

9. Vesna Festival

Are you Azerbaijanian, Swedish an avid mandolin player or a Matthew LeBlanc fan ? If yes, you'll love the Vesna Festival! If no, stop lying to yourself because everyone fits into one of those categories (with the obvi exception of rojo, who may never be considered human, as she is a god).
Long story short: dance groups, bands and choirs, special coffees from the old country, need I say more.... 22nd Street East, May.

8. The Elbo Room

Saskatoon was originally a dry city and no alcohol was to be served within its boundaries. However, in 1899, the first bar received a license to operate within the city proper.

Sically, the best..
Sports Bar : Champs/ Chumps
Campus Bar: Louis' (Yay U of S!)
Kind of More Upscale: Odeon on 2nd Ave

7. Cranberry Flats

Sand-based conservation area. Have you ever wanted to go to a beached whale minus the -ed whale?
Boiled down to eight syllables: wheelchair accesibility
For cerealy, whats not to like...

6. University of Saskatchewan Amati Quartet

Highlight : violinist Evan Barber
Facebook status: Friendable

5. Calories Restaurant

Seriously, whoever said wedding cakes were for weddings was clearly out of their ballpark. Calories has a Broadway Street's favorite french bistro since before A Different World rocked my daytime world. Anyways, best bakery EVER! Seriously, if you are short for time, go to saskatoon, get a wedding cake at this more-baller than cannabis joint, eat the cake, leave. excellence.

4. Delta Bessborough Hotel Saskatoon

Possibly the finest hotel in all the sask. Beautiful views. Its no surprise that locals call it the Bes, cause its simply the bes. Also, one of the prime places in the city to get your toon on. Because, one would think, a city with toon in it would you know have some good toons, musical or illustrated. Also, the ballroom is quite classy so if you care to have a shindig or you know just chilll.

3. Shakespeare on the Saskatechewan

"Hi I'd like old english bard on some toasted canadian province". Yup the title of ths shakeseare festival sounds a bit like your ordering a sandwich at a deli while under the influence of a recreational substance, but in fact is in reality it is a large tent erected on the banks of the river where you can have a true central-canadian shakesperience.
IMPORTANT: I know what your thinking, heck, it seems perfect , but do NOT fall into this tourist trap. As much as it seems that the Shakespeare on Saskatechewan would be quite possibly the most optimal event to attend as with all the shakin goin on youd be totally warmed up for Bubble wrap appreciation day, however the fest is in the summer and sadly BAD is in January so yeah I guess that is the disadvantage that pushes this baby to number 3.

2. Wanuskewin Heritage Park

Have you ever wanted to sit, eat a carrot, memorize the digits of pi, learn to speak piglatin, hold a corporate meeting, play tetris at the intermediate level, notice the similarities in the flags of chile and texas, sharpen a harpoon, read about tradicional polish footwear or take part in an intense game of Texas Hold'em in a tipi? At Wanuskewin (like I said before, this prov is first in first nations) you can do just that and more! You can also learn about tradicional medicine and spirituality from elders. If you don't come out of there 7% wiser, go throw yourself in front of a boilin geyser.

1. Chill over a bridge

Saskatoon is called the Paris of the Prairies. It has many bridges over the South Saskatechewan River, the best, in my ohpin is the Broadway. However, if you define frozen as troubled then yes, this scene may be a bit too Simon and Garfunkely for you, if not relaxatoon and enjoy the SASKATOON!